PSA Begins Collaboration in 2011 with BSA to Award Darbaker Prize: Nominations Close April 1st

At the request of the Botanical Society of America (BSA), the PSA will collaborate with the BSA to award the Darbaker Prize for meritorious studies of microscopical algae. Nominations are now open and will close April 1, 2011. The PSA has appointed the 2011 Darbaker Committee, which was then also appointed by the BSA to meet the terms of the BSA's Darbaker Endowment. The Prize is awarded to a resident of North America for "meritorious studies of microscopical algae published in English ... based primarily on papers published during the last two calendar years" (i.e., 2009, 2010). The awardee receives a certificate and monetary prize; this is an additional opportunity for us to recognize splendid work by a phycologist, including younger scientists. The awardee will be recognized at both the PSA and BSA annual meetings. Please participate in the nominations for this distinguished prize. At this website, the nominator must submit pdf copies of the recent papers (2009, 2010) of the nominee that should be considered by the Committee, and a statement about the merit of the nominee's research.

-Susan Brawley
2011 PSA President

The Deadline for PSA Croasdale Award is March 1, 2011

This is a reminder for students that would like to be considered for the Croasdale, an award to encourage graduate students to broaden their phycological training by defraying the costs of attending phycology courses at biological field stations. Students must ensure that they submit to Eric W. Linton, Chair of the Grants-In-Aid of Research Committee by electronic submission in PDF or Word (.doc) format:

  1. A complete application
  2. An unofficial copy of your transcripts, if possible.
  3. One letter of recommendation from his/her major advisor, sent directly to 
    Dr. Eric Linton.

NOTE: Beginning this year students that receive this award will have four reporting requirements to the PSA,

  1. A final 1 page report.
  2. Provide financial accounting with receipts
  3. A photo of themselves doing something meaningful at the course, such as collecting samples or attending a lecture.
  4. A short paragraph of what the student did with the PSA funding suitable for posting on the PSA Website

Please see the application webpage for complete details.

Additional information on the qualifications and criteria for this awards can be found at this PSA webpage.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or concerns.


Eric W. Linton, Ph.D.
Department of Biology
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

Phone: 1-989-774-3969
iChat: lintonericw

PSA Call for Nominations

Dear Colleague,

We are requesting your help. The PSA needs dedicated and capable individuals to fill the following positions:

  • PSA Vice President/President Elect                              You can nominate 2 people
  • International Vice President                                          You can nominate 2 people
  • Secretary                                                                              You can nominate 2 people
  • Student Member Representative                                  You can nominate 2 people
  • Editorial Board Members                                                You can nominate 4 people
  • Editor for the Journal of Phycology                                You can nominate 4 people

We would appreciate your taking the time to nominate individuals who you think would be able and willing to fill these positions. Finding the proper individuals is critical for maintaining a dynamic and growing Society capable of representing the full range of phycological research.

An email from was sent February 16, 2011 to all PSA members. This email contains your PSA member specific link to access the nominations form.

The nominations period will close on March 1, 2011 at midnight (EDT).

Wayne Litaker
Elections Committee Chair

PSA Annual Meeting Genomics Workshop

Dear PSA members

The PSA education committee will be hosting a genomics workshop at this year's PSA/ISOP annual meeting in Seattle.

The organizing committee is conducting a poll to see what is important to potential attendees, so that we can create a workshop that will best fit everyone's needs.

Please visit doodle poll and fill in your answers. We greatly appreciate it! If you have other, specific questions or comments about the genomics workshop, please contact Robin Kodner.

-The PSA Education Committee