2011 Prescott Award: Call for Nominations

The Phycological Society of America is soliciting nominations for the Prescott Award presented to the author(s) of the most outstanding scholarly book and/or monograph (excluding edited volumes) in English devoted to phycology published during the past two years.

Because this award has not been given for several years, we are seeking nominations for two awards: one for books published from 2009-2010 and another for books published from 2007-2008.

The Prescott Award was established in 1982 by students, friends and colleagues of Dr. Gerald W. Prescott, a Founder and former president of The Society and distinguished teacher and researcher at Willamette University, Albion College, Michigan State University, and The University of Montana.

The Award shall consist of a certificate and a monetary prize to be presented at the 2011 Phycological Society of America Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA July 13-16th.

Previous Awardees can be found on this webpage.

Please send your nominations, including author(s), title and publisher by February 18th 2011 via email to Jeremiah Hackett.

Deadline for Contributions for the Winter/Spring PSA Newsletter: January 21, 2011

Dear PSA members,

Greetings and Happy New Year!

Recently, I took over as Phycological Society of America Communications Director and Newsletter editor. I extend sincere thanks to our previous Newsletter editor Juan Lopez-Bautista and co-editor Dale Casamatta, who produced a number of very nice Newsletter editions. Fortunately for me, Juan is continuing for a short time as co-editor (in addition to his new position as Vice-President/President-Elect of the Society) so we hope the transition will be smooth and I look forward to serving the Society.

To that end, please send me your phycological news, notable information about yourself or colleagues, any announcements and application deadlines for upcoming courses, grants, and meetings.

The deadline for contributions for the winter/spring PSA Newsletter: January 21, 2011.



Louise A. Lewis
Editor, PSA Newsletter

University of Connecticut
75 North Eagleville Road
Storrs, CT 06269-3043 USA

Phone: 1-860-486-6723

Deadline for PSA Hoshaw Travel Awards is February 1, 2011

NOTE: This date is earlier than previous Hoshaw deadlines so that students will know by the registration deadline if they have received a travel award or not.

This is a reminder for students that would like to be considered for the Hoshaw Travel Awards for this year's meeting must ensure that they submit to Eric W. Linton, Chair of the Hoshaw Travel Awards Committee by electronic submission in PDF or Word .doc format:

1. A complete application as described on the Hoshaw webpage.

2. One letter of recommendation from his/her major advisor.

Additional information on the qualifications and criteria for this award can be found at the Hoshaw webpage.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or concerns.


Eric W. Linton, Ph.D.
Department of Biology
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

Phone: 1-989-774-3969
iChat: lintonericw

PSA 2010 Election Results

Congratulations to the following members who were elected by the membership to positions as officers of the Society or members of the Journal of Phycology's Editorial Board:

Vice-President/President-Elect: Juan Lopez-Bautista

Membership Director: Deborah Robertson

Communications Director: Louise Lewis

Editorial Board: Mark Littler, Rick McCourt, Kirsten Müller, and Hwan Su Yoon

The membership also approved the Executive Committee's proposed bylaw revisions to establish the office of International Vice President.

Thank you to all PSA Members who stood for office and to the other members of the PSA Election Committee: Chuck Amsler, Simona Augyte, Eileen Cox, Elisabeth Gantt, Wiebe Koostra, Wayne Litaker, Richard McCourt, Jeff Morris, and Hwan Su Yoon.

Finally, thank you to all members who made nominations and/or voted in the election for participation in PSA governance!

M. Dennis Hanisak, Chair
2010 PSA Election Committee