Endowment Donations
The Phycological Society of America is a tax-exempt 501(c) (3) charitable organization with Tax ID number: 43-0898177. For individuals needing the legal address information, please contact our current treasurer.
Support the PSA Hoshaw Travel Awards
The Executive Committee is encouraging donations to the Hoshaw Travel Award, which supports student travel to the PSA Annual Meeting. By clicking the button below, you can use PayPal to give and your donation will be directed to the Hoshaw Travel award. All donations to PSA are tax-deductible.
Support the PSA Croasdale Fellowship
The Executive Committee is encouraging donations to the Croasdale Fellowship, which supports student attendance to phycology courses at biology field stations. By clicking the button below, you can use PayPal to give and your donation will be directed to the Croasdale Fellowship. All donations to PSA are tax-deductible.
Support the PSA Lang Fellowship Award
The Executive Committee is encouraging donations to the Lang Fellowship, which supports early career scientists. By clicking the button below, you can use PayPal to give and your donation will be directed to the Lang Fellowship Award. All donations to PSA are tax-deductible.
Support the PSA Prescott Award
The Executive Committee is encouraging donations to the Prescott Award, which supports published books or monographs devoted to phycology. By clicking the button below, you can use PayPal to give and your donation will be directed to the Lang Fellow Award. All donations to PSA are tax-deductible.
Support the PSA Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR) Award
The Executive Committee is encouraging donations to the Grants in Aid of Research, which supports graduate and postdoctoral research in any area of phycology. By clicking the button below, you can use PayPal to give and your donation will be directed to the Lang Fellow Award. All donations to PSA are tax-deductible.
Make a Donation to AlgaeBase
AlgaeBase needs your financial support to continue to provide its valuable service to the global phycological community. PSA has agreed to support and sustain AlgaeBase by administering its finances and by receiving and disbursing funds for its operation. Disbursements will be made at the request of Dr Guiry until he fully retires from AlgaeBase responsibilities.
Make a Donation to PSA General Fund
Now you can use PayPal to donate money to the Phycological Society of America. All donations to PSA are tax-deductible.
Or mail a check payable to the Phycological Society of America Endowment:
Dr. Steve Murray
PSA Endowment Funds Manager
Endowment Funds
The Phycological Society of America's Endowment Funds were established by the PSA through donations and fund raising activities that began in 1979 and are a continuing activity of the Society. The Endowment is supervised by the Board of Trustees which recommends particular actions for approval by the Executive Committee of the PSA. The Endowment Funds consist of several accounts which were established for particular scientific, educational, and award purposes. These funds are described in the Bylaws of the PSA (Article XI).
Tax-deductible contributions from members or friends of the PSA may be earmarked for a particular fund. They are to be delivered to the Fund Manager. Please make checks payable to the Phycological Society of America Endowment and indicate to which fund(s) (see below) you wish the principal credited. Such contributions insure that the PSA's support of these function will continue in perpetuity as, in most cases, only the annual income is allocated to fund activities or awards. We also welcome suggestions and contributions towards new funds provided they are compatible with the purpose of the Phycological Society of America and fall within its Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation as a non-profit scientific and educational organization. Please contact a member of the Board of Trustees or Executive Committee for further details.
In addition to the PSA Endowment, the Board of Trustees manages one other PSA account, the Treasury Reserve Fund, which is part of the PSA Treasury. The Endowment and Treasury Reserve funds are managed through the trust division of a major national bank. The Endowment Funds are dedicated to the scientific, educational and award functions mentioned above. The accounts currently in the Endowment Funds and the activities they support include:
General Fund
Revenue is primarily from sales of annual meeting-associated merchandise and general fund raising. Income supports Endowment management fees and fund raising at the annual PSA meeting.Publication Fund
Revenue is derived from PSA sponsored publications and royalties (e.g., Handbook of Phycological Methods series). Income supports publication of phycologically important publications other than the Journal of Phycology. When the accumulated principal in this account exceeds a certain level, it is usually distributed to one of the other funds.Bold Fund
Honors Prof. Harold C. Bold and supports prize for Best Student Paper at the PSA's annual meeting. Much support for the funding of this prize was generated by activities of Bold's many students and friends.Prescott Fund
Honors Prof. Gerald W. Prescott and supports annual or biennial prize for the best monograph or book on algae published in the preceding one or two years.Provasoli Fund
Honors Prof. Luigi Provasoli, first editor of the Journal of Phycology. Supports the Provasoli Award for the best paper or papers appearing in the Journal of Phycology during the previous year.Lecture/Symposium Fund
Originally funded by honoraria contributed by the PSA's National Lecturer Program and supplemented by other funds from the PSA, income from this fund supports symposia and similar activities at the PSA's Annual Meeting.Education and Research Fund (Commemorative Fund)
This fund commemorates all phycologists. Income supports student research through the Grants-in-Aid of Research program. This fund also includes the Norma J. Lang Fellows fund. Income from the Lang component of the Commemorative Fund supports awards made to Lang fellows.Hoshaw Fund
This fund honors Prof. Robert and Ruth Hoshaw and was established to recognize their many contributions to the PSA. They conceived the idea of a PSA Endowment Fund and worked many years towards its realization. Income supports the Hoshaw Travel Awards for travel of graduate students to the PSA's Annual Meeting.Croasdale Fund
This fund honors Prof. Hannah T. Croasdale. Income from this fund supports the Croasdale Fellowships to assist student participation in field courses on algae at field stations.Lewin Fund
This fund honors Prof. Ralph A. Lewin. Income from this provides funds for the Lewin Poster Award given annually to the best student poster at a PSA meeting. The Lewin Award acknowledges the importance of posters in developing student careers and their interest in algal research. Often a poster is the first signification participation by a young scientist in research and the community of science.The PSA Treasury Reserve Fund
The Treasury Reserve is considered to be a portion of the PSA Treasury and is managed by the Endowment Fund Manager for superior income and growth potential over the long term. At times, funds may be used to supplement other Funds. The Treasury Reserve fund was originally established to permit the PSA to survive through a final year (i.e., process and publish manuscripts in the Journal of Phycology's editorial pipeline, perhaps have one final annual meeting and shut down the PSA in an orderly fashion) should unforeseen circumstances force the dissolution of the PSA in its present form.