Norma J. Lang Early Career Fellowships

Norma J. Lang. At Shell Beach, Bodega Bay, Sonoma Coast State Park, California August, 1977. [Courtesy of Dr. Judy Jernstedt.]

Norma J. Lang. At Shell Beach, Bodega Bay, Sonoma Coast State Park, California August, 1977. [Courtesy of Dr. Judy Jernstedt.]

The Phycological Society of America will annually award an amount up to $10,000 USD to one early career researcher who will be a Norma J. Lang Fellow for three years.  Applications will be accepted from Postdoctoral Fellows, Pre-Tenure Faculty, and others (those not in traditional academic positions) who are members of the society and are within 10 years of completing their Ph.D.  Applications from international members are welcome, but all application materials must be in English.  Individuals must be employed by a university or other non-commercial entity and be doing research on algae.  The purpose of this award is to provide "seed" money for projects, with the ultimate goal of increasing the likelihood of federal or other grant funding for the recipient. It is expected that the Fellow’s home institution will cover any indirect costs as an institutional match.

A one-time payment of up to $10,000 USD will be awarded to the successful applicant at the beginning of their three year term as a Norma J. Lang Fellow.  Lang Fellow award recipients are ineligible for future Lang Fellow awards. Requirements while a Lang Fellow include: 1) continued membership in the society, at least through the period of the award (, 2) attendance and oral presentation of work funded by the grant at one annual PSA meeting for which the registration fee will be waived, 3) submission of a final report to the Norma J. Lang Review Committee chair (with copies to the Endowment Fund Manager) within one month of the end of the three year Lang Fellow term summarizing the research, a pdf of each resulting publication, and evidence of each related grant proposal submitted and related awards received, and 4) service as a member on the review committee for awarding the Norma J. Lang Fellowships during the second and third years of the award period.

Applications consist of the following:

Cover page - One page, including title, candidate affiliation, contact information, total requested amount and a brief (<250 words) abstract.

Application - Two page proposal, including background, justification (including significance of the research), anticipated results, planned grant submissions and follow-up funding plans.

Budget justification - One page, describing anticipated costs, not to exceed $10,000 USD. Allowable expenses may include supplies, travel, data generation, equipment, salary or personnel costs.

CV – Two page CV including: Name; Professional Preparation/Degrees (Undergraduate, Graduate and Postdoc including institutions); Appointments (Jobs); Publications (Limit of 10 most relevant to the proposed research); Professional Website (URL; optional); Relevant Honors and Awards (Research or Teaching).

Reference: Name and contact information of post-doc mentor or department chair or supervisor at institution where research will be conducted.

To submit your application for the Lang Fellowship, combine Cover Page, Application, Budget, Short CV, and Reference into a single PDF document.  Submit this application package by email to Dr. Sarah Hamsher ( by April 15.

Annual Deadlines:

  • Submission: 15 April

  • Notification: 1 June

  • Start date: 1 Sept