Hilda Canter-Lund competition 2017

A reminder to everyone that there are just over two weeks left to submit your entry for this year’s Hilda Canter-Lund competition for algal photography.   On past experience, serendipity is as valuable as technical brilliance in determining what gets onto the short list, so don’t be shy about sending in a spectacular image of seaweed* taken on your smartphone.    So start hunting through your folders to for your best photograph taken in the past year or so and send it to HCL_Competition@brphycsoc.org.

Further details, along with the rules, can be found here: http://www.brphycsoc.org/canter-lund/index.lasso

PSA: partner in the March for Science!

PSA is now a partner organization in the March for Science!  Please consider taking part or supporting this non-partisan effort to champion robustly funded and publicly communicated science that upholds the common good.  Mark your calendars for April 22nd, and consider attending either the main march in Washington, DC, or one of the satellite marches held in cities around the world.  If you do plan on attending, the march organizers ask that you  please register at www.marchforscience.com/rsvp to help them with planning.

March organizers have also provided the following information that may be valuable:

Our FAQ on the Washington D.C. March now covers everything from ideas on signs to our accessibility plan. A map will be released in the next few days.  For federal employees attending the March for Science, we’ve outlined some tips for expressing your support for science in this tumultuous political climate. These tips may not apply in the cases of state or local governments, so please consult relevant local authorities or your employer.

If you haven’t booked a bus to D.C. yet, time is running out to secure a seat. Head to Skedaddle to book a trip to the march.

Stay tuned for a collection of downloadable posters celebrating science – and this historic movement. We’re launching this series on Tuesday, with new posters added on our website every day until the march.

Our online store now has more options than ever, including amazing poster designs donated by Andrea Beaty, author of Iggy Peck Architect, Rosie Revere Engineer, and Ada Twist Scientist. These posters memorialize this moment and inspire kids to carry on the scientific spirit of reading, questioning, and thinking.

To help keep the march's momentum going, please chip in today.