An Important Message from the Co-Editors of Journal of Phycology

Beginning in 2012, the incoming Co-Editors of the Journal of Phycology will enact additional guidelines for submission to the Journal. These guidelines are in keeping with their overall goals to broaden the Journal's readership, improve the review process, and increase the quality of articles published. They also plan a platform for rapid publication of high impact work, through a new Letters format. Please take a few minutes to read about these exciting changes.

Additional Guidelines for Authors (pdf)

Conditions for Rejection Without Review (pdf)

An Important Message from the Incoming Co-Editors of Journal of Phycology

Beginning in 2012, the incoming Co-Editors of the Journal of Phycology will enact additional guidelines for submission to the Journal. These guidelines are in keeping with their overall goals to broaden the Journal's readership, improve the review process, and increase the quality of articles published. They also plan a platform for rapid publication of high impact work, through a new Letters format. Please take a few minutes to read about these exciting changes.

Additional Guidelines for Authors (pdf)

Conditions for Rejection Without Review (pdf)

An Important Message from President Susan Brawley

Dear PSA Members,

The recent First Referendum on "phycology" in the Journal name produced a little more confusion than intended, but the EC's primary intent was to gather information from the membership, and we got it (i.e., more than 50 variations on a small set of suggested alternative titles for the Society's Journal, which are being evaluated). We'd probably all agree that the name of the Journal is not the most important factor in the success of our Journal. Instead, the essential ingredient is rapid publication of excellent science across the spectrum of our field.


2012 Award of Excellence Nominations

The PSA Award of Excellence honors scientists for a record of sustained scholarly activity, including teaching and service, who have had a major impact on the field of phycology. The Award is a career achievement award for a living phycologist. Previous awardees can be found below.

Call for 2012 Nominations

The Award Committee is soliciting nominations for one or more Awards of Excellence. Recipients of the 2012 Award of Excellence will be chosen on the basis of their sustained scholarly contributions in, and impact on, the field of phycology, through a distinguished record of scholarly activity. Nominations will be welcomed for all fields of research on algae and also should highlight the candidate's service to PSA and/or other phycological societies. The Award is a career achievement award for a living phycologist. Membership in the PSA is not a requirement for nomination. See previous awardees below.

Nomination packages should include a single nominating letter from a PSA member highlighting the reasons for the nomination. The candidate should acknowledge his/her nomination and also provide a complete C.V. (including information relating to teaching and service). The committee requests 4 additional names (and contact information) submitted to provide letters of support. The nominator is required to confirm that these individuals have agreed to write letters. No additional letters will be required, but the nominee may submit an updated CV to the Committee.

Nominations will be welcomed for all fields of research/teaching on algae and also should highlight the candidate's service to PSA and/or other phycological societies. Inquires and/or materials should be directed to:

Tracy Villareal
Chair, PSA Award of Excellence Committee
Marine Science Institute
University of Texas at Austin 
750 Channel View Dr.
Port Aransas, Texas 78373 USA

Phone 1-361-749-6732

In order to receive full consideration for the award that will be made at the 2011 annual meeting of the PSA, the complete nomination package must be received by January 15, 2012.

Checklist for nomination

  1. Nomination letter from PSA member
  2. Letter from nominee acknowledging the nomination
  3. A current C.V. provided by the nominee
  4. Names and contact information for 4 potential referees.

The committee will solicit letters directly, but the referees must have confirmed their willingness to provide a letter. If they refuse to provide a letter, the Committee is under no obligation to search out new referees.

Past Recipients

  • 2011 — Elisabeth Gantt
  • 2010 — Michael D. Guiry
  • 2009 — Bruce Parker, John West
  • 2008 — Clinton J. Dawes, Jeremy D. Pickett-Heaps
  • 2007 — Gene Stoermer
  • 2006 — Michael J. Wynne
  • 2005 — Thanarapu Desikachary, Max Hommersand, Frank Round
  • 2004 — Maria A. Faust, Paul J. Harrison, Matthew J. Dring
  • 2003 — Isabella A. Abbott, Gary L. Floyd, Karen Steidinger
  • 2002 — John A. Raven, Theodore J. Smayda, E. Imre Friedmann, James S. Craigie
  • 2001 — Robert R.L. Guillard, In Kyu Lee, Francis R. Trainor, C.K. Tseng
  • 1999 — Sarah P. Gibbs, Grethe R. Hasle, Paul C. Silva
  • 1996 — Greta A. Fryxell, Richard C. Starr