PSA 2011 Banquet Photos

The PSA/ISoP banquet was held in Mary Gates Hall at the Unversity of Washington on July 16, 2011. Award winners and honorees for 2011 are depicted below. Congratulations to everyone! Many thanks to Michael Wynne who generously provided these photos.

Left photo: Elisabeth Gantt was this year's recipient of PSA Award of Excellence for scholarly contributions in field of phycology throughout her career. Beth discovered the phycobilisome and is a leading researcher on both phycobilins and carotenoids. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a former President of both PSA and ASPB.

Right photo: PSA President Susan Brawley (left) honors the Journal of Phycology's Editor Robert G. Sheath (right) for his years of dedicated service. Bob began his term as journal editor in September of 2006 and will complete his term in December of 2011.

Left photo: John A. Raven gives an acceptance speech for the 2007-2008 Gerald W. Prescott Award that recognizes scholarly work in the form of a published book or monograph devoted to algae. Paul G. Falkowski (not pictured) and John A. Raven published "Aquatic Photosynthesis (Second Edition)" in 2007. 

Right photo: The 2009-2010 Prescott Award was presented to two books. Richard E. Triemer (left) and Ionel Ciugulea (right) published the book "A Color Atlas of Photosynthetic Euglenoids" in 2010. Elizabeth Harris (not pictured) also earned a 2009-2010 Prescott Award. Her book entitled "The ChlamydomonasSourcebook (Second Edition): Introduction to Chlamydomonas and Its Laboratory Use " was published in 2009.

Left photo: Philip Bucolo (left) was a co-winner of the Harold C. Bold Award for best student oral presentation at the 2011 PSA meeting. His talk was entitled "Effects of Macroalgal Chemical Extracts on Spore Behavior of the Antarctic Epiphyte Elachista antarctica". Bucolo is depicted with Bold Award Chair Paul Gabrielson (right).

Center photo: Elizabeth D. Tobin was the other co-winner of the Bold Award (photo taken by Ryan Harris). Her award winning talk was entitled "Motility During Pelagic-Benthic Life-Stage Transitions for the Harmful Alga, Heterosigma akshiwo and the Implication of Bloom Dynamics". 

Right photo: Ken M. Hamel (left) won the Ralph A. Lewin Poster Award for best student poster at 2011 PSA meeting. His poster was entitled "Effects of Nitrogen on Rates of Photoacclimation by Invasive and Native Species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta)". Hamel is shown with Lewin Poster Award Chair Paul Gabrielson (right).

Coauthors (left to right) Matt Ashworth, Curt M. Pueschel, Marvin W. Fawley, M. Dennis Hanisak, and Frederick W. Zechman were awarded Luigi Provasoli Award for the most outstanding paper published in the Journal of Phycology in 2010. The paper is entitled "An Unrecognized Ancient Lineage of Green Plants Persists in Deep Marine Water" and can be downloaded using this link.

PSA 2011 Election Results

Congratulations to the following members who were elected by the membership to positions as officers of the Society or members of the Journal of Phycology's Editorial Board:

Vice-President/President-Elect: Linda Graham

International Vice President: Michael Guiry

Secretary: Alison Sherwood

Student Representative: Matthew Bennett

Editorial Board: Juliet Brodie, Geoff McFadden, Karina Nielsen, and Karen Steidinger

Bylaw Changes:

Editorship of the Journal: Approved

Duties of Officers: Approved

Appointment of Committee Chairs: Approved

Finally, thank you to all members who made nominations, ran on the ballot, and/or voted in the 2011 election!

2011 PSA Meeting, Talk and Poster Details for Presenters

Poster dimensions are constrained at 46 inches tall by 46 inches wide (push-pins shall be provided). Due to the large number of abstracts submitted, talks will be limited to 15 minutes in total (12 minutes, with 3 minutes for questions). Alas, due to the great turnout expected, we will have to be rather strict about time restraints. Symposium speaker will have 30 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questions and answers. All classrooms will have both Mac and PC capabilities, but we ask that everyone save their talks as PowerPoint files to ensure no compatibility issues.

Dale Casamatta
PSA Program Director